Fashion come to Portimão!

September 24, 2015

It’s this Saturday, September 26th, that it will be held another Fashion Show Autumn/Winter 2015.
This year is the first in which this event is organized by the Business Club of Portimão (CEP). The Club was invited by some individuals who had, already, participated in similar events.
Portimão started this initiative since 2008, innovating and progressing each year, with the support, exceptional, from the press, institutional entities of the county, stores and businessmen.
At this time, the purpose of this event is the inclusion of more and more establishments, creating dynamic in Portimão center.
This will be a Fashion Show, where everyone should go, because it will present the collections Autumn/Winter of Portimão stores, giving a touch of Glamour and life in the “heart” of our city!
The proven success of this initiative will leave you surprised, so there is no “excuse” for not to go!


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