My experience with LR Primer!

February 25, 2016

I must confess that until not long ago I was always very unconcerned about the care that should have with my face, but it’s “better late than never”, so I began a search for the most suitable products for my skin type.
The primer was something that I discovered and had no idea of his importance.
Today I will inform you about LR Primer, which captivated me on the first application, but first I want to explain why it’s so important use a primer:
-It prepares the skin for the makeup, helping to even out the skin tone and texture
-Close the pores, which is my main problem
-Controls the brightness of the skin
-Makes the skin smoother
-Disguises the expression wrinkles that we hate so much
To apply the primer LR, first I applied a tonic and then used a brush suitable for foundation, because it spreads much more evenly across the face.
What I liked immediately, was the feeling of freshness that the LR Primer gave me! Then I realized that my pores were much fuller and the skin became more uniform.
I concluded my experience with the foundation and the result it’s in the pictures that you can see below.
I strongly advise the use of this Primer from LR!LR-primer1-e1456420512752 LR-primer2-1024x1015

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