Today I reach the goal of the 35 Springs!
It was 35 years of a lot of shame, shyness, sadness, … some bitter days and many with no taste ….
I felt a caterpillar searching for colors, and chose to build a super cocoon to begin my transformation to a butterfly of success.
I had to assume the failure that was a caterpillar and so I calculate a meticulous plan to reborn as a colorful and cheerful butterfly.
I wondered many times if I was right about this great transformation, but I did not give up.
I followed the branches to which the caterpillar life led me, even those who narrowed or led me to two destinations. I followed a path and even if I had to go back, I didn’t give up, always pursuing perfection to be a great butterfly.
I even fell from the tree, trying to build the cocoon so quickly, and even hurt I felt I could never give up.
I was filled with a force that not all caterpillars can be proud of, but that all can reach, and I insisted, insisted, insisted, …
One day, I died, thinking that all that fight would have been in vain, …
I could see myself moving away from my own body, imagining that it was this “state” we get when life ends.
But something wonderful happened … I bumped my head on a branch and realized I was flying. So I was dead, but only as an caterpillar. Now I was alive like a butterfly full of colors.
Today I’m positive, cheerful, motivated, but I have no illusion to reach the butterfly of success, I just have the ambition to be an exemplary butterfly for all around me.
Sometimes I lose altitude, but as I am stubborn, I insist every day to keep myself alive and full of colors!
This is me, Sílvia Costa.
Muitos parabéns minha querida amiga! P.s. Lembro-me bem da lagarta… 🙂 E também era uma lagarta bonita e amiga! Beijinho
Obrigada linda. Beijo grande.
Olha mas que lindo… Parabéns pelo texto, pelo aniversário e por ti que és essa pessoa linda…Não mudes nunca e faz sempre o que te propões…Essa Borboleta colorida , ainda vai dar que falar… Beijinho grande
Obrigada querida. É muito importante ter feedback. Beijinhos
São estes textos motivantes e cheios de fantasia, que nos podem levar a sentir, leves e coloridos, como as borboletas. E se nos pode levar – a nós que lemos -, é porque, assim se sentia quem escreveu.
Que bom – poder/saber -, transmitir aos outros, os sentimentos, que os possam motivar a ter uma vida mais feliz.
E porque, em curtas palavras a beleza deste texto me levou às lágrimas; fico à espera de mais, – lindos como este!
Obrigada pelo comentário Marília. Considero importante a partilha de experiências, no sentido de ajudar cada um a se motivar. 🙂
Belo texto minha querida amiga, sendo lagarta ou borboleta não deixas de ser a pessoas espectacular que és e sempre o serás. ADORO-TE